Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Really Dead Women Writers Meme

Introduced at an appallingly early hour this morning by Bardiac, in response to the lack of early authors in a female authors meme started by Mon at My so-called ABD life. The idea is that you take the five early authors Bardiac started with, look over the authors added by those in comments, then add five more(ideally) of your own. The authors should have written prior to 1800. At the time I caught up with this meme, the following people had contributed; Dr. Virago, Amanda at Household Opera, Medieval Woman of the fantastic cat icon you really must see, and La Lecturess.

Bardiac's Starter five:
Behn, Aphra - Oroonoko
Christine de Pisan (aka Pizan) - The Book of the City of Ladies
Julian of Norwich - Revelations of Divine Love
Locke, Anne (aka Ane Lok, etc) - A Meditation of a Penitent Sinner
Marie de France - The Lais of Marie de France

Dr. Virago adds:
The Paston Women - The Paston Letters
Margery Kempe - The Book of Margery Kempe
Anonymous - The Floure and the Leafe(Her reasoning for this is on her blog)
Lady Mary Wroth - Poems

La Lecturess adds:
Anne Askew - The Examinations of Anne Askew
Mary Sidney - Psalms
Anne Finch - Poems
Katherine Phillips - Poems
Teresa of Avila - Life

Amanda adds:
Bradstreet, Anne: collected poems
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Fama y obras póstumas
Lanyer, Aemilia: Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum
Wroth, Lady Mary: Urania

Medieval Woman adds:
Trotula - The Diseases of Women
Female Troubador Poets:- La Comtessa de Dia - "A chantar m'er" & other Trobairitz poetry excerpted.
Hrostvitha of Gandersheim (c.930-c.1002) - Plays Gallicanus & Dulcitius (My note: She wrote a few more plays and poems listed on this post here.)

And I add:
Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) Scivias and Liber Divinorum Operum (plus a whole bunch of other stuff I plan to address later in a MWIA post)
Rachel Speght (1597 - Some time after 1621) Mouzell for Melastomus and Mortalities Memorandum
Anna Comnena (1093-1153) The Alexiad
Frau Ava (1060-1127) First named German poetess. "Johannes," "Leben Jesu," "Antichrist," "Das Jüngste Gericht" (That's in MHG)
Dhuoda (9th century, inexact dates) Handbook for William: A Carolingian Woman's Counsel for Her Son (at Sunshine for Women) and a dual-language version from Cambridge UP


Anonymous said...

I have added some more over here. This is one cool mother of a meme!

Bardiac said...

Hwaet! Heo Cwaeth!

Thanks for contributing! Gosh, this is getting fun, following it around. I'm trying to pull things together to make a fuller list. :)

And "appallingly early" just means I really wanted to get out in the sunshine!!