Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Guilt!

I'm sorry about the spotty posting, folks. I've been experiencing a full-scale guilt attack for weeks now, and, as you may have been able to tell from my half-assed posts recently, this attack has been preventing me from thinking properly about anything. Mostly because I can't *do* anything without thinking of how many other things I ought to be doing, how everyone else in the whole wide world would be able to do whatever I'm doing better than I, and damn it shouldn't a grad student be able to do X faster/ more thoroughly/ more thoughtfully?!

Then there's the guilt over the real-life stuff, and the guilt over the not my-life stuff. So, I should be a better student/ teacher/ scholar as well as daughter/sister/aunt/friend and while we're at it, I should be a better political advocate for the stuff I truly believe in, and I should never lose my patience, etc.


One hopes that soon the guilt attack will pass, and I'll be back to whole-assed posts.


Bardiac said...

In the meantime, take care and don't be too hard on yourself!

Heo said...

Thanks, B.

Unknown said...

Yeah - you're great! I hope the guilt attack does pass soon!

Anonymous said...

How about you are good enough as you are? Just a suggestion!


Anniina said...

Yeah, I agree with the others. We love the whole-assed posts, but the half-assed ones are great too, so make this blogging thing the one thing on your list not to feel guilty over. We'll be here when you post, even if life keeps you busy and away from here for a spell.

Karma said...

I've got nothing other than empathy. And an appreciation for what you do write. Hang in there!

Heo said...

Bardiac, Medieval Woman, Kicki, Anniina and Kdegruy,

Thanks very much for your supportive comments. Good news: I think I figured out what made me all cranky and distracted. (Nicotine withdrawal & Academic overload/impending withdrawal = Nutty Heo)This does not mean that my whole life will fall back into order, but at least I'll know why I'm all jumpy. I can probably think and/or write under those conditions.